Is LASIK For Everyone?
LASIK is a procedure that covers a wide range of vision correction, but many factors need to be considered when determining whether LASIK is for you.
These include the health of your eyes, shape, and thickness of your cornea, and your visual objectives. During your evaluation, we would assess your cornea and the rest of the structures of your eye, using advanced corneal imaging as well as a dilated examination. This will allow the doctor to determine if there are any problems that would preclude you from surgery. If you have cataracts or keratoconus you may not be eligible for LASIK. If there are other issues that relate to your eligibility for LASIK, your doctor will discuss these in detail.
What Vision Correction Options Are There?
Your optometrist and our highly-trained LASIK surgeons Dr. Ambati, Dr. Mando and Dr. Neispodzany will go over your test results and your available options. Expectations need to be realistic as well. While no surgeon can guarantee 20/20 vision, in our experience at Pacific ClearVision Institute, the majority of patients do achieve 20/20 and are very happy.