PCVI has been proud to offer LASIK for over 25 years, and has seen many advancements in technology along the way. The latest advancement we have included is the iDesign wavefront-guided system from Johnson and Johnson, which we added 18 months ago, and has been performing extremely well. With conventional LASIK, the LASIK laser treats just nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism (the elements of the prescription in glasses). With wavefront guidance (where the iDesign beams light into the eye and analyzes the reflected light to yield an optical profile of the whole eye), LASIK can also reduce spherical aberration (which contributes to halos), coma (which contributes to streaking of light), and trefoil (which contributes to starbursting). The iDesign also integrates corneal topography (corneal shape analysis) to customize LASIK treatments for each individual eye.
September 2024 Update – PCVI no longer utilizes the iDesign method and now uses SMILE.